Friday, February 23, 2007

"the most beautiful girl in the world" - the artist formerly known as prince

"when the day turns into the last day of all time i can say i hope you are in these arms of mine"

everyone knows that the most important question in understanding a person's musical taste is "elvis or the beatles?"
in my opinion, though, the second most important question is "michael jackson or prince?"
the third question i usually add in is "ramones or sex pistols?"

i think its the second question that people don't seem to expect and is really more telling than you would think.

i don't like michael jackson. almost nothing he has done since his earliest stuff has really done anything for me. i have respect for him as an artist, he has written popular and influential songs, though i'm not keen on them. i have less respect for him as a person - i'm never sure if i believe the rumours and allegations but i do know i can't relate to him on any level. i don't think i let that influence my opinion of his music much, though its possible i do.
prince is notoriously weird. i very much doubt there's much about his life i could relate to either. but i do know he writes incredible songs, seems to play every instrument ever invented with amazing passion and somehow manages to touch me.

but i think the question - like the elvis or the beatles issue - goes deeper than your specific preference between these two artists. to me, although their styles could be considered similar they diverge enough to make the comparison significant. jackson to me represents all forms of dance and soul music, while prince represents all forms of rock music . jackson represents commercialism, prince experimentalism. jackson mawkish sentimentality, prince genuine expressions or powerful emotions.

maybe thats just the way i see it.

someone once tried to argue with me that i was just asking people to choose between black music and white music - but it's not about that, it's really not.