Wednesday, January 24, 2007

"waiting" - the rentals

"i'm waiting with nothing to do. i'm waiting, just waiting on you"

a loser named greg sold me return of the rentals on cassette one lunchtime for 50p and a packet of nerds. fond as i am of nerds, with their ability to seem cool despite just being small oddly-shaped lumps of sugar, he clearly got the poor end of that deal because, whilst i would have had a total of maybe 15 minutes of pleasure from that pack of sweets and whatever i would have blown the 50p on, i have whiled away many many happy hours listening to this lo-fi newwave classic. i almost always sing along, usually with petra for some reason.

like most british people, there are some things about the way americans misuse the english language that annoy me more than others. one thats right up there on my list is using the verb-phrase "waiting on" to mean "waiting for". all right-thinking people know that waiting on someone means serving them food in a restaurant whilst waiting for someone means being in a place until they are also in that same place.

sometimes you wait for something in vain - but if it was truly worth waiting for it was worth the risk that in might never happen.
you have to know whether to give up and go home though

"not my idea" - garbage

"this is not my idea of a good time"

im a big fan of the novel the wrong boy by willy russell. sure some of the plot twists are just a little too far fetched - though many things in life just arent coincidences - but the characters are vivid and at times it has a feel of the philosphical novel about it - trying to find subtle artistic ways to expound ideas.
the idea that most stuck with me from the novel is the grandmother's insistance that she didnt want to have fun. fun is little but meaningless distraction from problems and never more than short term. what she wanted in her life was joy. a powerful, deep, meaningful undercurrent of joy in which problems can been seen in context and moved past, rather than trying to extend islands of joy out into a sea of despair - reclaiming them through hard work like holland.

i like to think that my idea of a good time is not rooted in fun but in joy