got a song stuck in your head for no reason? thats an earworm. feel the need to tell the world about it - possibly to try to exorcise it but probably to try to infect someone else? thats the earworm project
Sunday, January 21, 2007
"in the navy" - the village people
Following some joke from my French family after my boyfriend explained his grand-parents had met in the navy, the chorus stuck in my head for a while. I only know the words from the title - no idea what the rest says.
the earwom project is not designed to endorse any particular atist or style of music. many of the things that get stuck in your head you dont even like. some you frankly detest.
an earworm project blog entry may or may not be about the song in any tangible way - but there is some thought process connection - even if it just in the warped mind of the author.
an earworm project entry carries the date and time of the earworm - not necessarily of the post - so new entries may not appear in order. this is mostly because many earworms hit you on the train or in bed at night or at other times when writing a blog is just not practical.
some days you might get 7 or 8 earworms - some weeks you might only get one insidious one that won't go away- but there generally has to be some degree of lingering for it to count. 20 minutes of annoying residence in your head is a good rough guide for qualification.
want to contribute to the earworm project?
why not just drop an email to to receive an invitation
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