Wednesday, March 14, 2007

"nice guy eddie" - sleeper

"and i said hey love i’m making it easy on us. i’ll leave and a few of our dreams turn to dust"

songs always seem to know how to end a relationship - whereas i never have.
i wish i had had the guts to use this line to break up with someone, its honesty and simplicity being surely superior to the self-justifying, circuitous babble that i managed. sure, there's a certain level of cruelty in its detachment, but it's the sort of cruelty you might get at a hospital where they know how to hurt you in a way in which you'll get better. i reckon that if louise wener said this to you in her breathy tones you wouldn't even start crying until a few hours later, and it probably wouldn't take you long to forgive her. i, on the other hand, am not really on speaking terms with any of my exes.

the way i would most like to have broken up with someone would have been to stand outside her window and, in a parody of john cusack's boombox serenade, stand silently with gone for good by morphine playing at streetwaking volume, then turn and walk silently away whilst silent tears run down her face and all dogs and babies nearby bark and cry respectively.

is it wrong to have a fantasy breakup?